Newborns need to wrap up warm. Your mother insists that during the walk, you hid the baby a warm blanket and wearing a cap, despite the fact that the street is a wonderful summer and the weather. But he did catch a cold. After all, it’s so small! Will tell you his mother watching out for a walk and getting to bring a knitted sweater. Grandma is worried and it partly right: newborns need to dress warmly, but if the air temperature above 24°C can leave a woolen sweater at home.

Smocked Baby Clothing Under the rules of infants must wear smocked baby clothing and it must be warm. For example, on warm outside, and you jeans and a t-shirt with short sleeves. In addition to the diaper and vests a baby can be dressed in overalls or a suit, socks or booties, as well as an “extra layer” of suitable light cotton blanket. Premature babies may need more layers because they can’t yet control their own body temperature.

You can wear a cotton cap, child, particularly in the early days. Newborns do not like the cold and drafts, and if the outside heat, do not forget that the room may be cooler because the air conditioner. If it is hot outside one layer of clothing may be enough. In cold weather, choose smocked baby clothing and put on warm baby hat. Use common sense and look at the thermometer.

To protect the legs of infants and toddlers, they need to put on shoes in shoes. Forget about the shoes. Best baby will be, if his legs are bare or nearly bare. Newborn to the legs to put on your socks or booties warm, especially if you go for a walk. But these shoes he did not need. They may even do harm, especially to kids who will not soon go.

If a child is about to go, he needs to stretch and warm up the foot, and boots can constrain movement. As with shoes, socks and a very close pajamas with socks that restrict movement, not just inconvenient – with frequent sock they hinder normal growth. Home let the kids go barefoot, so they trained to take objects toes, balance and develop important muscles of feet and ankles.

Smocked Baby Clothing In winter, if the house is cool or if the floors dirty, put the child slip socks or shoes, smocked baby clothing with soft soles that do not restrict movement. Shoes for toddlers who can’t walk, can complement an outfit for a family photo, but when filming is finished, remove the shoes better.

Older children need shoes for the street and still walk barefoot on the grass or beach can deliver an unforgettable experience, keeping warm and prevent slipping on smooth surfaces, but the room let the kids go without shoes, so they learn to balance and develop co-ordination movements.


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